
Although we endeavour to ensure that the contents of this website are accurate and up to date, the details contained in it should be regarded as for general information purposes only. We cannot accept liability in relation to loss arising out of your use of reliance on the information in the website.

The contents of any external internet sites that may link to this site or are linked from it are beyond our control, and we accept no responsibility in relation to those sites. The copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the contents of this website belong to the Jomast Group of Companies (‘Jomast’), save where the contrary is stated. All rights reserved.

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Jomast is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information provided via the website. The principle purpose of information collected is to respond to enquiries or requests for information. We may from time to time send you information regarding services that we think may be of interest to you. You can choose not to receive information by contacting us in writing.